The Beatles 콘서트 셋리스트

The Beatles 의 다음 콘서트를 준비하세요, 년 셋리스트 2024

실시간 통계

인기있는 음악

가장 많이 연주된 음악 탑텐 by The Beatles 여기에서 마지막 40개 콘서트 중에서.

세트리스트 프로파일

라이브로 연주될 노래는 다음 앨범에 수록되어 있습니다:

다음 세트리스트

콘서트는 얼마나 오래 진행되나요?

The Beatles 무대 예상해 보기 0:38. 여기에 이전의 콘서트에 기초한 예상되는 세트리스트가 있습니다.:

음악 타이틀
  1. One Dozen Berry's cover Rock and Roll Music (Chuck Berry cover)
  2. Live At The Hollywood Bowl cover She's a Woman
  3. Rubber Soul cover If I Needed Someone
  4. 1 cover Day Tripper
  5. Beatles For Sale cover Baby's in Black
  6. 1 cover I Feel Fine
  7. Help! cover Yesterday
  8. With The Beatles cover I Wanna Be Your Man
  9. Rubber Soul cover Nowhere Man
  10. 1 cover Paperback Writer

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비슷한 아티스트들

  1. Imagine - Remastered 2010
  2. Woman - Remastered 2010
  3. Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) - Remastered 2010
John Lennon Photo

John Lennon

  1. FourFiveSeconds
  2. Band On The Run - 2010 Remaster
  3. Say Say Say - Remastered 2015
Paul McCartney Photo

Paul McCartney

  1. Got My Mind Set on You
  2. My Sweet Lord (2014 Remaster)
  3. What Is Life (2014 Remaster)
George Harrison Photo

George Harrison

  1. Photograph
  2. It Don't Come Easy
  3. You're Sixteen (You’re Beautiful And You’re Mine)
Ringo Starr Photo

Ringo Starr

  1. Wouldn't It Be Nice
  2. Surfin' U.S.A. - Remastered 2001
  3. Good Vibrations - Remastered 2001
The Beach Boys Photo

The Beach Boys

  1. Paint It, Black
  2. Start Me Up - Remastered 2009
  3. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Mono Version
The Rolling Stones Photo

The Rolling Stones

  1. Time of the Season - Mono Version
  2. She's Not There
  3. Summertime
The Zombies Photo

The Zombies

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