TV Girl 콘서트 셋리스트

TV Girl 의 다음 콘서트를 준비하세요, 년 셋리스트 2024

실시간 통계

인기있는 음악

가장 많이 연주된 음악 탑텐 by TV Girl 여기에서 마지막 40개 콘서트 중에서.

세트리스트 프로파일

라이브로 연주될 노래는 다음 앨범에 수록되어 있습니다:

다음 세트리스트

콘서트는 얼마나 오래 진행되나요?

TV Girl 무대 예상해 보기 1:39. 여기에 이전의 콘서트에 기초한 예상되는 세트리스트가 있습니다.:

음악 타이틀
  1. Grapes Upon The Vine cover I'll Be Faithful
  2. French Exit cover Pantyhose
  3. French Exit cover Hate Yourself
  4. French Exit cover Louise
  5. Who Really Cares cover Cigarettes Out the Window
  6. French Exit cover Birds Don't Sing
  7. French Exit cover Daughter of a Cop
  8. Who Really Cares cover Not Allowed
  9. Grapes Upon The Vine cover The Night Time
  10. Grapes Upon The Vine cover 99.5
  11. Grapes Upon The Vine cover Fire
  12. Who Really Cares cover Safeword
  13. Death Of A Party Girl cover Blue Hair
  14. French Exit cover The Blonde
  15. Who Really Cares cover Loving Machine
  16. Who Really Cares cover Taking What's Not Yours
  17. Who Really Cares cover Heaven Is a Bedroom
  18. Encore #1

  19. French Exit cover Lovers Rock
  20. The Wild, The Innocent, The TV Shuffle cover It Evaporates

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당신이 좋아하실 만한 것

비슷한 아티스트들

  1. Caroline, Please Kill Me
  2. Virgin Veins
  3. Her Sinking Sun
Coma Cinema Photo

Coma Cinema

  1. Pope Is a Rockstar
  2. Chinese New Year
  3. Renee


  1. Weed Queen
  2. I'm Having Too Much Sex Blues
  3. No PR Blues
Netherfriends Photo


  1. Spinning Signs
  2. Carousel
  3. Disintegrate
Painted Palms Photo

Painted Palms

  1. Fool
  2. Abigail
  3. Sappho
Frankie Cosmos Photo

Frankie Cosmos

  1. Put a Light On
  2. When They Fight, They Fight
  3. TenTwentyTen
Generationals Photo


  1. Six Shooter
  2. Waiting for You (feat. Madison Love)
  3. Acid Wolfpack - Original Mix
Kisses Photo


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